All payments are secure and directly distributed in our
Church account using Square.
Cedar Creek Donations
Make your payments here by clicking on the buttons ☺

Tithe & Offerings
Your tithe is directly recorded and processed safely into the Cedar Creek Baptist Church account. Your gift of tithe and offerings are collected here by pressing the "tithe" button.
Thank you for giving to Cedar Creek Baptist Church ♥

Sanctuary Building Fund
Giving a gift towards our Sanctuary Building Fund is extremely appreciated! Your gift of donation directly reflects the growth of our buildings, Church grounds, and maintaining the Church Sanctuary.
Support technical upgrades, lighting, sound devices, maintenance, and basic construction.

Food Pantry
Our food pantry offer meals and non perishables to our local community. With your donations and generous gift of giving, the Church can directly purchase these goods for local families. The food is properly stored and given to families in need.
The food pantry ministry serves our communities the SECOND Thursday of every month from 9am - 12 noon.